If Black Women weren’t so MOUTHY & LISTENed they wouldn’t attract DEADLY drama.

Real News


People say, “if black women just dropped their sassy ass mouth, cut their “mad-at-the-world” sista girl attitude, & were more obedient to men in authority, their lives would be different. Smartmouthedness leads to singleness. Sassy-as-hell will leave you dead in a jail cell.


Look at Sandra Bland. If she would’ve just said “yes sir” & did like she was told, she’d be alive right now.” If you agree with this train of thought, you are a narcissistic idiot. By: Ebrahim AseemFollow @fuel4thebody

Intelligent women who speak their mind make insecure males flaccid. #EbrahimAseem This is why Sandra Bland was arrested.

When a woman resists submitting to a narcissistic male, his inadequacies provoke him to physically assert his non-existent dominance onto her. #EbrahimAseem

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